Out of Nature – Community Drawing, Newport House, Almeley, Herefordshire, October 2013

This large-scale community drawing took place over the Out of Nature Sculpture exhibition’s opening weekend 12-13th October 2013. The exhibition was in support of the Cartshed a social enterprise to encourage people to engage with nature. The 50ft drawing was outlined using sheeps wool and completed by c. 250 visitors during the opening weekend using surplus fruits and vegetables (including pumpkins, marrows and gourds, chard stalks, potatoes, apples, cabbage leaves, runner beans and sweetcorn), seeds (conkers, sweet chestnuts, cobnuts and acorns) and woodland produce (wood shavings and discs) harvested from the gardens and estate. The drawing emerged in response to the rhythm of the land and materials and celebrates the beauty of nature and enjoyment of working together in creative play.
